Your developers have been coding like crazy. The application is now in beta stage. You acknowledge that it must be tested, but decide that you can use one of your developers or project managers to do the job. Here at Beta Breakers, we wish we had a dime for every time a prospective customer told us that story.

Using in-house staff to test your software products is always sure to be fraught with disaster. Why? Read on to learn more.

In-House Staff Are Not Properly Trained

The most significant reason is that they simply are not trained software quality assurance people.  They likely do not possess the skills and experience of a real quality assurance person. Whereas they may discover some glaring issues, they are highly unlikely to uncover bugs that are less obvious. Unaccounted for, these bugs will certainly be encountered by your user base shortly after you go live.  Furthermore, untrained in-house staff will likely fail to properly document the details for the bugs they do happen to uncover.  Incomplete bug reporting tends to frustrate developers.

Familiarity Breeds Complacency

The other major shortcoming associated with using in-house staff lies in the idea that “familiarity breeds complacency”. Company personnel have likely seen your application many times. They are intimately familiar with its functionality. When these people test, they will naturally make assumptions regarding the application’s functionality. Objectivity therefore takes a back seat to the tendency to plow through the application as quickly as possible.

What Is the Solution?

You and your colleagues strive to release your application in perfect shape, so trust your product to actual quality assurance testers. At Beta Breakers, our QA methodologies have been honed to perfection. Our lab-based facilities are equipped to simulate marketplace conditions so that we may uncover platform-compatibility issues before you launch.

Sure, it may cost you a bit more money, but ask yourself, “How much does your company have invested in the application? How much do you stand to lose in credibility if you launch with bugs?”

The Beta Breakers team will help you find all of the bugs in your applications – allowing you to go live with total confidence. Contact us today to get started!