Everyone knows that the role of QA is to find bugs in software.  But what happens when the bug details are inadequately communicated to the dev team?  We are here to tell you that chaos ensues.  All you have to do is spend some time speaking with a developer who is frustrated because he can’t understand or reproduce an issue from the bugbase.  It can get ugly.

Beta Breakers testers are well-trained not only in finding bugs in software but in communicating them clearly into a bugbase.  Regardless of the severity of the defect, our information about each defect always includes:

  • A short description of the defect
  • A long description of the defect
  • The expected results
  • A workaround if possible
  • Screenshots
  • Crash logs
  • Details of the platform or device from which the defect was discovered

…and most importantly…

  • The steps to recreate the defect

Armed with this information, any developer worth his salt will be able to easily zero in on the lines of code causing trouble.  However, without this important data, a developer is more likely to bang his head against his desk in frustration.

Good bugs are only “good” when they are properly documented.  When bug details are carelessly omitted, good bugs become “bad bugs”.