Here at Beta Breakers, we claim to have some of the most experienced and talented quality assurance testers in the world. Having said that, they simply could not perform their job effectively if they were not surrounded by laboratory environments replete with everything they require. Whether tasked with website testing, or testing an enterprise business application, QA engineers everywhere rely on labs that are clean, organized, and up-to-date with the latest software and hardware technology, whether desktop or mobile, in order to do their job effectively.
Keeping a testing lab current is no small task. It used to be that all an IT staff had to do was purchase a new desktop system now and again, make a restore image of the OEM condition, and find the machine a good home. Those days are long gone. Today, that same IT staff must not only keep current with desktop systems but the myriad of mobile devices in the wild. Android and iOS phones and tablets are ubiquitous. If tasked with testing a website or business app, not only must testing be performed on legacy systems and older mobile devices, but on the “latest and greatest” hardware as well. New android devices in particular seemingly are released on a weekly basis. Whereas “keeping up” is challenging, it’s a challenge that every worthwhile software testing lab must accept and overcome.