Software Companies - Quality AssuranceTrue story. In mid-January, we were approached by a new prospect who was planning on launching a brand new, responsive website, compatible with both iOS and Android mobile devices. This particular individual happened to be the Project Manager and had been “convinced” by his boss to reach out to Beta Breakers for a round of professional quality assurance. He was altogether certain that the site was flawless and ready for launch. He went so far as to say that he was nearly certain that any money spent software testing would be a waste.

After having accepted our proposal, we went to work. The window of opportunity to test was a bit narrow since the launch date had slipped several times and a marketing campaign was soon approaching. The project called for a total of 4 man-days (32 man-hours) of testing. We assigned 2 QA Engineers for 2 days.

On the first day, our 2-person team logged 22 issues, 5 of which were critical showstoppers. These 5 bugs were not compatibility issues; rather, they were defects that existed on any supported device. The remaining 17 issues were a mix of “medium priority” bugs (significant compromise to user experience), “low priority” bugs (polishing off rough edges), and defects specific to a particular mobile device. Day 2 produced another 11 issues of various severities. The total cost for the job was $2500.

Suffice to say that both the Project Manager and his boss were very grateful for our review. Had they failed to pass their new site through our labs, there would have been no telling how much “damage” their reputation would have suffered once the marketing campaign went live.

The bottom line is that you and your colleagues have invested a ton of time and money into your site. You will undoubtedly be very excited to launch it and watch how it impacts your firm. Why would you not pass it through a competent quality assurance lab first – especially if you knew it would only cost you about $2500 to do so?

Here at Beta Breakers, software testing is all we do. We possess both the expertise (over 25 years and counting) and lab facilities to thoroughly test any website or application out there. For a small fraction of the cost to build your site, we can ensure it launches cleanly.