backing up computer to external hard drive Backups 2.0After reading our previous backup blog post, you should now have your house in order. Your iPhone and iPad have backups to iTunes, and your files are scheduled for daily backups to an external USB hard drive.

So, what happens if there is a fire or flood or some other disaster?

It’s a good idea to have a second backup. It’s up to you on where and how often you update it, because you will be the one that has to live with it in case of an accident. Choose a solution that you are comfortable with and that you will actually use, whether it be using the Cloud, alternating hard disks and storing them in a Fire-resistant safe (with at least one hour of protection for digital documents), or something else.

One crucial reason for businesses to have a backup is the recovery of important files that can be copied to other storage devices. For instance, you are in an emergency meeting, and you want to retrieve an important document. Having direct access to the file through a backup storage will allow you to use any important file, for whatever purposes you require.

This important practice applies not only to business purposes but also to preserving those personal moments you experience, which is another crucial reason for having backups. 

Storing them in a digital format enables you to share them with the people that matter most to you. Whenever there is an important family occasion or an accidental meeting with a high school friend, you can just see those pictures, videos, and other files that capture those moments you have in a particular period of time.

Keeping an extra backup will ensure that your photos and important information make it through anything that life throws at you, which is why we at Beta Breakers recommend taking the extra time to create a backup solution that works for you and your lifestyle.