automated software testingRecent years have seen a quality assurance solution grow in popularity.

Automated testing is a type of quality assurance performed using a software program with scripts written by the tester.

Automated testing re-runs test scenarios quickly and repeatedly, helping to efficiently gather large amounts of data in the shortest amount of time.

Although automated testing cannot manage exploratory QA or ensure the product is simple and straightforward for customers to use, there are a variety of scenarios where it is useful to use in conjunction with these, and other, manual testing procedures.

  • Implemented correctly, automated testing can cut down on testing time, saving both the customer and the tester time and money.
  • Automating areas of testing also allows the testers to focus their efforts on the most challenging aspects of manual testing, helping to ensure the best possible results.

Every software scenario is different, but there are a few particular areas where automated testing can almost always be used.

  • Load testing in particular implements frequently to find out a product’s endurance and limitations.
  • Automation can be used to review your website or app under normal circumstances, as well as its performance under anticipated future load and peak load times.

Here at Beta Breakers, we have offered automated testing services for quite some time and view it as a tool that can aid in the most repetitive areas of the overall testing process. To learn more about our automated testing and other software quality assurance testing services, give us a call at 415-878-2990.