Cypress Test Automation

As part of our suite of software quality assurance and quality engineering testing services, Beta Breakers is proud to offer Cypress test automation for JavaScript-based web applications.

With over 30 years of industry experience, our small team of dedicated engineers are Cypress testing experts, with the ability to perform highly effective unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, and more custom developments. 

What is Cypress Automation Testing?

Used for automated testing and quality control, Cypress automation testing is one of the best ways to ensure your web applications are bug-free, responsive, and rendering well across all platforms and devices. Similar to Selenium automation testing, which has been widely in use for over a decade, Cypress is a newer tool that bills itself as “the new generation of front-end testing built for the modern web.”

How Cypress Works

Built on engineer-friendly, open-source architecture, Cypress is designed to bring simplicity and efficiency into modern JavaScript testing. Founded in 2015, the now MIT-licensed software provides end-to-end testing for anything that runs in a browser, whether it is a website, web application, or e-commerce store.

While most end-to-end automation testing tools are Selenium-based, it is important to know that Cypress is a completely different software on its own. Since its launch, Cypress has been used to test the interfaces for many large organizations such as Pandora, PayPal, Johnson & Johnson, Warby Parker, and more.

Our Cypress Automation Services

Always customizing our services to fit the needs of our customers, Beta Breakers’ Cypress automation services are available for unit testing, integration testing, and complete end-to-end tests of your entire online platform. Our Cypress tests are all designed to be powerful, flexible, and automated so that you can benefit from ongoing testing without any manual integration or human error.

Benefits of Cypress Automation

For end-to-end testing of any web application based in JavaScript, Cypress Automation is a great tool for a wide variety of platforms and uses. By and large, its three main benefits are its universal application, ease of implementation, and premium power features.

Universal application: Based on Mocha and Chai, Cypress is more universal than most other automation frameworks on the market today. When integrated into your application, it is very easy to use Cypress automation to execute tests across multiple browsers.

Easy to implement: Simple to set up and lightweight at all times, Cypress automation testing includes all the dependencies and libraries it needs to run independently. With little to no configuration needed, our Cypress automation services can be up and running in no time. 

Premium debugging features: Most importantly, the power and capabilities of Cypress cannot be ignored for ongoing quality assurance testing. Unlike other platforms, Cypress can automatically suggest fixes to any bugs that are detected, which can then be analyzed and implemented by engineers of all experience levels.

With time travel, automatic waiting, network traffic control, and consistent results every time, the benefits of Cypress automation are endless as its platform continues to expand and improve. While still relatively young in the grand scheme of software development, Cypress has quickly made a name for itself and will likely continue to be a premium tool used by our company.

Who can use Cypress Test Automation?

If you’re not sure whether Cypress test automation is best for your web-based application, feel free to learn about all the industries we serve. From medical billing to entertainment, gaming, and beyond, the capabilities of our Cypress services can be applied to any JavaScript framework. 

Working with Beta Breakers

Since the inception of our company, Beta Breakers has always aimed to deliver results, with a track record of success for many customers large and small. When working with us, you will be in direct contact with our small team of expert developers, as we do not outsource any of our work and pride ourselves on quality, efficiency, and value.

In addition to Cypress automation testing, our company provides a wide range of quality assurance and quality engineering services for websites, mobile applications, software, and more. To learn more about what it’s like to work with Beta Breakers, you can read real customer testimonials from many companies you may know. Some of our past clients include, Cisco Systems, Trek Bicycle Corporation, and Scripps Networks.

Contact us to get started.

To learn more about our Cypress testing, quality engineering, or quality assurance services, please contact Beta Breakers for Cypress Test Automation today. No matter what stage your project is in, we guarantee that all your information will be kept private, secure, and confidential, with a non-disclosure agreement always signed before any work or data is shared.

Once you reach out to our team, we will work as efficiently as possible to access your product and generate your proposal. From there, we can agree on the best testing plan together for immediate and ongoing development assistance. To begin, feel free to reach out to a member of our team directly by calling 415-878-2990 or sending an email to We look forward to hearing from you!