Thanks to smartphones, the mobile gaming industry has boomed in the past decade. More and more people are playing games on their phones, and they’re expecting those games to be as complex and bug-free as the games they play on their PlayStations or PCs.
To keep their customers happy, those in the mobile gaming industry need QA testing to get the job done. Here are three reasons why: 
Bugs and glitches
Bugs can ruin a game. You can have the most amazing, intricate story around, but if you have any glitch, it will be unplayable. Thanks to the complexity of mobile games, bugs are the most common problem developers will run into while creating their applications. QA testing, however, can detect any glitches in the game’s software, allowing developers to fix the problem before the players do.
If a player has to jump through a bunch of hoops to play your game, they’re going to stop playing. People want efficiency, and when they don’t get it, they’ll turn to something else. Even if an app is slow to load, a user might switch to another platform. With QA testing, you can deploy a performance test that will check your app’s speed and responsiveness, allowing you to create a more efficient game.
User experience
Overall, QA testing for mobile games is about user experience. Bugs, glitches, and inefficiency all ruin the experience of playing your game. Plus, with so many games out on the market, it’s easy for players to drop your game and turn to something similar. You need to capture people the moment they download the app by creating a great user experience at the onset. After all, players will not wait for a new update to fix current problems. You need to catch problems before you launch your app, and the only way to do this is through QA testing.
At Beta Breakers Quality Assurance Labs, our trained personnel use the latest in sophisticated QA testing tools to test your mobile gaming app to the limits. Give us a call at 415-878-2990 to learn more.