couple using computer softwareThere is much that goes into designing an incredible piece of software, and from coding to user interaction there is just as much to consider when it comes time to deem software ready for launch. When designing new software, whether it is an app, a website or a computer program, the creator obviously wants it to be successful and simple to use.

With years of testing experience, Beta Breakers has seen all different types of software, and there are a few characteristics we have noticed all the best programs share.

Simple, Testable Code

Every programmer has their own preferences when it comes to creating code, but as a general rule of thumb, simple, testable and easy-to-read code performs the best. Code that is easy for programmers to read helps to ensure that maintenance is simple and can be performed quickly and easily when bugs are found or adjustments are needed.

Easy For User to Learn

Along with being easy for programmers to translate, the best software is also easy for the customer to learn how to use. Regardless of the user’s technological abilities, they should be able to figure out how to use your program with ease, and be able to find the FAQ page or help section for any questions they have.

Attractive Design

If you want your software to be successful, it needs to be attractive to the user. While this characteristic may seem superficial, it is a key component that users look for when choosing an app to use or a website to shop with.

When designing your software, keep your audience in mind.  Create a polished aesthetic that will draw them in and make their experience more enjoyable.

Forgiving User Interface

When creating your software, think about how it will look from a user’s perspective. At one point or another, the user will make a mistake, and it is up to you to make that mistake easy to remedy with a forgiving software program. For example: If a user deletes information by accident, can it be retrieved with ease? And if they make a navigation error will they be able to find their way back to the correct page or be greeted by a confusing error message?

The best software keeps both programmers and users in mind during developing, creating a final product that all individuals can enjoy and use with ease. With years of quality assurance testing experience, Beta Breakers can help make sure that your software is user friendly and ready to launch.

Learn more about our services online or contact us by phone at 415-878-2990 to ensure that you are offering your customers the best software you can.
