repeat online shopping - Quality AssuranceThere are many reasons to have quality assurance testing performed, two of the most important being customer satisfaction and repeat business. As a customer there is nothing more frustrating than a website, app or game that doesn’t work correctly, and as a business there are few things worse than an unhappy customer. Quality assurance is an important first-step to customer satisfaction, thus increasing the chance that happy shoppers will return to your site again and share your information with friends and relatives.

Think of the websites and apps you shop on the most. Regardless of what type of item you are purchasing, you probably have certain sites with which you prefer to shop the Internet. Most likely, these are sites that have proven themselves to be quick to load and easy to navigate time and time again. Having a website or app that functions correctly is a basic and important part of online customer satisfaction. If individuals can’t use your site, how will they be able to make a purchase?

Return visits from shoppers go hand in hand with customer satisfaction, making it important to know that your site will perform well no matter how many individuals are shopping with you. The same is true for apps and other software programs. No matter what update your customer makes to their app or device, you want your product to continue working quickly and easily, which is why Beta Breakers offers a variety of software quality assurance and testing services.

With the holidays quickly approaching, now is an important time for your software to work properly. Contact Beta Breakers online or by phone at 415-878-2990 to learn more about the services we provide and how we can help you capture repeat business.