In the United States, most of us spend a decent amount of time on our mobile phones. We use them to send texts, make phone calls, surf social media, and much more. We also often use our phones as a bit of a crutch in order to void awkward situations or pass time.

However, in Africa, mobile technology is vital in saving lives, providing weather warnings and warnings of other potential disasters.

Mobile technology has become popular in Africa, and many people now have access to mobile technology that didn’t just 15 years ago. Many people in Africa now have smartphones, which has become a way for people to access insurance, education, banking and much more.

However, the greatest benefit of mobile phones in Africa has been the decline of deaths related to natural disasters.

Mobile technology has helped humanitarian organizations in Africa warn people about potential natural disasters and other threats. It has also allowed those organizations to help people find shelter and food that would be impossible to do otherwise.

The Humanitarian Connectivity Charter is an outlet being used to help countries respond to humanitarian crises.  In 2015, 30 African nations signed up to utilize this service, paving the way for mobile technology to improve living conditions within Africa.

For example, in 2015 Airtel joined forces with the Kenya Red Cross in order to develop a messaging alert system for floods, fires, terrorist attacks, and otherwise.

Africa has roughly 560 million mobile phone subscribers resulting in many human lives saved. People in Africa do not have a mobile phone in order to Snapchat a picture of their gourmet meal; most people have a mobile phone in order to protect themselves and their families from potential threats.

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