If you took a walk in a park, a mall, or even just down your street this summer, there’s a good chance you saw people playing Pokémon Go, the hit mobile app that reportedly provided Apple with a $3 billion boost in revenue. It had everyone trying to “catch ‘em all.”
What you didn’t see was all the hard work behind the scenes that made Pokémon Go as successful as it ended up being.
Nintendo and other companies involved in the production of the mobile app spent countless hours testing and tweaking the game in order to make it as perfect as it could be before rolling it out to consumers. It was well worth their time in the end.
Just about all successful mobile apps and games have several things in common.
- The first is they all feature strong teams behind them that work tirelessly to build the games.
- The second is they all feature teams that continue to work on the games even after they have been released. Consumers are expecting updates and improvements to be made to games over time, so these teams have to troubleshoot issues and find solutions for them on the fly in order to keep people happy.
- Third and most importantly, all successful mobile apps and games are tested prior to release to ensure they are ready to go. By testing mobile apps and games, developers can figure out what they need to do to get peoples’ attention and keep it while preventing problems from affecting gameplay. If a game has too many issues when it is released, there is a good chance people will turn a blind eye to it and find a different game to play.
The mobile gaming space is constantly evolving as smartphones and tablets get better and better, so it is important for game developers to keep this in mind and adapt.
By doing the proper testing and keeping up with the times, developers will be able to make gamers happy and push the limits of what they can do with the games themselves.
Beta Breakers provides developers with the help they need when it comes to mobile application testing. Contact us at 415-878-2990 today to get started.