When the time comes to conduct quality assurance, many startup companies consider the idea of testing in-house. Why? Often because it seems like an ideal way to save time and money. And while this may be true when looking at short-term savings, the bugs and errors missed during in-house quality assurance testing can prove detrimental… Read more »
How to Turn Your Website into a Website That Converts
We all want to create a website where people will stick around for as long as possible. Unfortunately, too few websites fit that description. Let’s take your website, for instance. You put a lot of time, money, and energy into building your website. Yet visitors barely seem to stay for a few seconds before bouncing… Read more »
Verification vs. Validation in Quality Assurance Testing
When you have your app or website tested for quality assurance, you may have heard your testers toss around words like verification and validation. But what do they mean by these terms? And what is the difference? Here, we break it down for you: Verification – An Objective Process Verification is an objective process. In… Read more »
Best Practices for Optimal Dark Mode UI Design
When dark mode was first introduced for iOS and Android devices in 2019, it took the world by storm. A feature that users had been clamoring for for years had finally arrived, and it has only grown in popularity. In 2023, 82% of smartphone users use dark mode in some way or another, and yet… Read more »