APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are the glue that hold everything together. More specifically, they’re the service layer that sits between the data layer and presentation (UI) layer in any software application. Whereas UI testing focuses on the look and feel of your application, API testing is all about the data responses, security, performance, and… Read more »
Bug Reporting: How to Write and Understand Bug Reports
Every person involved in the creation of an app or website will have to deal with bugs. And we don’t mean the creepy crawlies. We mean the software bugs that plague every good website or mobile app. Bugs, much like their creepy-crawly cousins, are impossible to avoid. Every device, every website, and every app are… Read more »
User Experience vs. Customer Experience: What’s the Difference?
Whether you’re building a mobile app or website, you want to make sure that you provide an excellent experience to your users. User experience (UX) should be high up on your radar. After all, poor UX can cause you to lose customers. But what about customer experience (CX)? These two terms are often confused for… Read more »
User Experience vs. User Interface Design
When designing a website or mobile app, two things are key: user experience and user interface design. They can often make the difference for your application, drawing in or driving away potential customers. Nevertheless, people often confuse the two for the same thing. Here we discuss what user experience and user interface designs are, and… Read more »