If you’ve recently released a new mobile application onto the App Store or Google Play, you will know that eventually you’ll have to update your app. After all, market conditions, customer feedback, and new ideas will force you to make changes. But you can’t make these changes all at once. Instead, they will have to… Read more »
Sanity Testing vs. Smoke Testing
Sanity testing and smoke testing are two of the most commonly used software testing methodologies. They’re also among the most misunderstood. Many confuse them with each other, or with regression testing, but in reality, they are two different types of testing methodologies that are used at different stages of the testing cycle. Read on to… Read more »
How to Achieve Continuous Quality for Your App
No app is perfect on launch. Even if there are no bugs, there is always room for improvement. Speed, efficiency, and new, in-demand features are just some of the improvements you will have to make as more people use your product. This can be done through continuous quality improvements. Continuous quality refers to the… Read more »
Exploratory Testing vs Ad Hoc Testing
In our last blog post, we discussed ad hoc testing—a software testing methodology in which the tester manually finds bugs and issues in an application. A similar approach is done through exploratory testing. So similar are these two testing methodologies that many individuals often mistake them for the same thing. In reality, however, they carry… Read more »