The Benefits of Outsourcing Your QA Testing

You won’t find many people arguing that quality assurance testing isn’t worth your time. After all, QA testing ensures that your product is as perfect as humanly possible once it’s delivered to your customers. Yet, while some companies may choose to have just one employee test their product, it’s often best to outsource their quality… Read more »

Localization Testing vs. Globalization Testing: What’s the Difference?

Globalization has transformed the way we live. It wasn’t too long ago when it was unlikely for people to interact with anyone outside of their specific region, let alone their own country. Now, however, we can talk with people on the other side of the globe in a matter of seconds. That’s why we have… Read more »

The Most Common Bugs for Mobile Applications

A few weeks ago, we discussed some of the most common website bugs that are found with software testing. Now, we’re turning our attention to another type of digital media that’s just as prone to mistakes and bugs: apps. If you’re one of the many businesses, engineers, or entrepreneurs that are trying their hand in… Read more »