Considering how much time people spend on the internet, it’s more important now than ever before that our websites and apps function properly. If they don’t, you could risk losing both current and future customers. That’s where quality assurance (QA) testing comes in. By making your software run as smoothly as possible, QA testing helps… Read more »
The Beauty of Automation
All software needs quality assurance. Thorough testing is key to the success of any software application. But what happens when an application is or becomes so complex that testing it becomes cumbersome and laborious? Since software has become so complicated, there is a need to simplify some aspects of the process. Old ways should be… Read more »
Automated vs. Manual Mobile App Testing
In today’s world, there’s an app for everything. Cooking, driving, pet sitting, you name it, there’s an app for it. Mobile apps certainly make our lives easier, but only if they properly function. To make sure of this, many app developers test their mobile applications in two ways: automated and manual mobile app testing. Automated… Read more »
New Mobile Devices We're Testing
We’ve recently added a handful of devices to our hardware labs; nothing particularly surprising, but still worth mentioning: An iPhone 11 running iOS 13 (this is the base iPhone 11 model) We’ve got the iPhone 11—the regular one. Lots of people have it, so it’s kind of like our baseline. This phone packs an A13… Read more »