Online courses are constantly being offered now through both public and private universities. With options to take college courses rapidly expanding, many courses are being reviewed, or essentially beta tested, by large groups of volunteers before hitting course catalogs. Companies such as Coursera have groups of about 2,500 people that sample online courses prior to… Read more »
Forms of TV Now Being Beta Tested
Even though forms of beta testing have been around for a long time, the quality assurance trend has become increasingly popular among mobile phone applications, video games and more. With this trend bubbling to different markets, it’s no surprise that cable television provider Comcast has entered the game. Originally announced a year ago, the cable… Read more »
iPhone 8 Rumors
While the iPhone 7 has only been released for a few months, speculation and rumors are already flying hot on next year’s iPhone 8. Many people believe that the iPhone 8 will make a much bigger splash then the last few generations of the popular phone. With the iPhone 8 release coinciding with the 10th… Read more »
Beta Testing Location Technology
As technology progresses, it has become more able to identify our location using different applications. Between the GPS navigation, geotags on Instagram, snapchat filters, and location tags on different status updates, our phone typically knows right where we are. On some mobile devices, you are able to share your location with contacts of your choice…. Read more »