The software quality assurance process is, at its heart, all about finding bugs in computer code. After a bug is found, it is reported – bug reports are the most visible (and arguably most important) product of the QA process. The purpose of bug reporting, of course, is to provide a clear and concise explanation… Read more »
The Myth of “Bug Free” Software
First things first, let’s just get this out of the way now and make sure the correct expectations are set: There is no such thing as bug free software. I can’t count the number of times a client has asked me about this, nor can I count the number of times I have had to… Read more »
Playing With Electricity
Well, we won’t be, but the local power company will. We’re going to be with out power for at least half a day on Wednesday, January 13 (Wednesday the thirteenth. Of course.), so our offices will be partially closed during that time. We’ve made arrangements to keep our regular QA work going from other locations… Read more »
The Importance of Having Your Software Function in Multiple Languages
Think of how frustrating it is when you order something online, only to receive it in the mail and find out that you can’t read the instructions needed put the project together. Being unable to use an app, website or computer program because of a language barrier is just as frustrating. Depending on the nature… Read more »