How Much To Automate In Software Quality Assurance

As one of our recent posts attests, the automation of quality assurance should be approached cautiously and critically. It’s common sense that you should never just assume that you can automate everything. Based on a risk and cost analysis, you will first want to have a good idea of which parts of your software are… Read more »

Cost of Third Party Software Quality Assurance vs. an In-House Staff

If you are something of a “mom-and-pop shop” with just a handful of staff members, you are likely not in a position to hire someone with the specific task of testing your software products. For those people, hiring a third-party company like Beta Breakers is an easy decision to make. If, however, you are a… Read more »

Software Quality Assurance: Domestic Versus Offshore

As providers of software quality assurance in the US ourselves, we can certainly appreciate and understand the importance of selecting a quality assurance resource that is both capable and budget-friendly. Tough economic times demand an even keener scrutiny on “the bottom line”. Having said this, Beta Breakers does not claim to compete against offshore beta… Read more »

Software Testing and Automation Lessons from a Real Automation Project

Here at Beta Breakers, we have been providing automated quality assurance solutions for quite a while. Having recently completed a number of fairly complex projects—on time and under budget—we had gotten to feeling pretty good about our ability to scope and fulfill an automation effort. We assumed that our recent good fortune had been due… Read more »