Here at Beta Breakers, we have dealt with a wide variety of clients. Many of these clients, no matter their background or industry, have many misconceptions when it comes to quality assurance. That’s why we’ve taken the time to write out the top myths people have about quality assurance so that we can set the record straight.
Quality assurance is only about testing
Testing is a big part of quality assurance, but it’s not the only thing involved. Good quality assurance involves the entire development process, ranging from requirements gathering to product maintenance. In addition to the tests you will administer, you will also need to document and process steps throughout the development life cycle.
All bugs can be eliminated
You could test your product for years, but you may never be bug-free. Every system and product has a bug; quality assurance simply ensures that those bugs are few in number and won’t make your product unusable. Plus, since your product will change over time, new bugs will inevitably emerge.
All testing can be automated
Automated testing is certainly helpful. However, it should not be the only kind of testing you rely on. Manual testing is still necessary in some steps. After all, humans will be using your product, so a human needs to test it out first. While automated tests have their place, they should always be backed up with manual tests.
You only need to involve a QA team
Your quality assurance team will work on the bulk of your quality assurance. However, they’re not the only ones who should be involved. DevOps strategies rely on both software development and operations teams working in tandem to reduce release cycles, uncover bugs, and continuously improve your product.
Quality assurance should be done last
Many of our clients mistakenly assume that quality assurance can be completed once the product is almost ready for release. This, however, is a big mistake. Quality assurance is most effective when it begins early on in the development cycle. That way you find bugs early and reduce the time it takes to fix them.
Quality assurance testing is quick and easy
Quality assurance takes time and effort. It’s why we recommend starting it early in the development cycle rather than near the end (see above). Testing requires many tools, teams, and individuals working together to ensure the best product possible. As such, you will need to dedicate time and resources if you want to test your product properly.
Quality assurance is just about finding bugs or errors
Findings bugs and errors is obviously a big part of quality assurance, but it’s not the only part. QA testers will find bugs, but QA engineers will plan for how to prevent issues, how to find issues more efficiently in the future, and how to ensure that issues are actually fixed. In other words, it’s not just about finding bugs, but about preventing them and ensuring they get fixed.
Quality assurance is too expensive
Unfortunately, too many people look at quality assurance as an extravagance they don’t want to pay for. This doesn’t have to be the case. While good quality assurance will cost some money, it should not break the bank. Plus, investing in quality assurance will save you money in the long-run, as it will prevent any costly bugs or errors popping up that could hurt your reputation and bottom-line.
Beta Breakers is here to help you deploy an effective quality assurance strategy. Contact us today to learn more!