Outsourcing your website testing to a third-party company like Beta Breakers can save your development team time and money. However, outsourcing your website testing works a bit differently than doing it in-house. Below, we provide some tips to help you make this process as seamless as possible.

graphic of website testing

Clarify your needs

When you first hire a third-party testing team, they won’t know exactly what you’re looking for or what you need. As such, you’ll need to take time to get them up to speed. Spend time detailing what you’re looking for and what, exactly, you need from them. This way, both your third-party testing team and your in-house team are on the same page.

Communicate everything

Even after you’ve talked with your testing team, don’t think that you can just leave them to it. Website testing is a complex and ever-changing process. You should be in constant communication with both your third-party and in-house teams to ensure that everything goes according to plan. The more you communicate with your testers, the less likely mistakes will occur due to miscommunication.

Be aware of varied time zones

There is the chance that your third-party testing team is not in the same time zone as you. They could be a few hours off depending on where in the country they are located. You’ll need to keep this in mind as you work on your website and plan for a release date. If it’s 2pm where you are but 5pm where your testers are, then whatever you were hoping to achieve in the last few hours of your own workday will have to wait till morning. So, be sure to take full advantage of the time when your work hours overlap.

Listen to your testers, but make sure your own voice is heard

You hired third-party testers because they are experts in their field. As a result, it’s a good idea to defer to their judgment. If your testers say one of your ideas won’t work, don’t try to ram it through regardless. Take what they say into account and try to problem-solve together.

At the same time, this is still your website and your project. So, don’t be afraid to speak up and let your testers know what you’re thinking. At the end of the day, collaboration from both parties is key to successful end-product.

Take advantage of multiple communication platforms

We said before how important it is to communicate with your team, even if they’re in a different time zone. However, it may not always be possible to call or videochat with your testing team. That’s why we recommend you take advantage of the multiple communication platforms out there. You can use email, SMS, instant chat, screen sharing, and more to always be in touch with your testing team.

Here at Beta Breakers, we work hand-in-hand with our clients to ensure their websites are tested to the highest possible standard. To learn more about our services, contact us today at 415-878-2990.