The question around software is not when it will break, but how. Software is complicated, with many moving parts, and as a result they are prone to errors, mistakes and things that just don’t work the way they were intended to.
To help make sure your software is ready for public consumption, you should get a functionality test from the experts at Beta Breakers. They will look at all aspects of your software to find errors and mistakes so that you can make patches and coding corrections before going live to the public, eliminating embarrassing problems before they occur.
So what questions get answered in a software functionality test? Here are some of the main ones:
- Does the software meet the requirements of its guided design and development? Essentially, does the software do what it was engineered to do? If not, then it needs to be rewritten or re-created from the ground up.
- Does the software respond correctly to inputs? Software testing is interactive, so if a user tries to do something inside the software’s framework, our team will test the software to make sure that it acts as was intended.
- Does the software perform quickly? Software is only useful if it works within an acceptable amount of time, so actions that take an abnormally long period of time will make the software almost valueless to the person using it. We test the responsiveness of your program or app to make sure that it performs not only smoothly, but speedily.
- Can it be installed and run in intended environments? This can be a tricky one as different environments have different rules surrounding them. Most software is intended for a Microsoft or Apple environment, so these tests make sure it runs where it’s supposed to run. The same is true for other environments as well, such as Linux or Unix programs.
- Does it achieve the general result your stakeholders desire? This is a holistic look at the software created. If everything in the software works as planned, does the overall action meet its intended purpose? If everything else lines up, this should be an easy one to prove, but it can also be the most important.
Beta Breakers has nearly 30 years of experience working in the technology industry, and we know the importance of making sure that your product is solid and reliable before it heads to market. With our functionality testing services, we can make sure that your product performs as expected, leaving you confident that when your product is released, it performs as well as intended. To learn more about Beta Breakers’ software testing capabilities, give us a call today at 415-878-2990.