Posts Categorized: Beta Testing

The Journey of Apple Software Application Quality Assurance

Apple Software Application Quality Assurance

Picture this: You release your app into the marketplace only to be slapped with complaint after complaint on forums all over the web. Isn’t it the wrong start? Failure to conduct thorough QA testing could also ruin your app’s reputation and undermine users’ trust. In this blog, we’ll talk about software app testing for Apple. This… Read more »

Common Challenges Faced in Quality Assurance Testing and How to Solve Them

Quality Assurance Testing and How to Solve Them

If anyone tries to argue that quality assurance testing is easy, then it’s likely they’ve never tried it before. Quality assurance testing is an essential component when developing and publishing a website or mobile application. Unfortunately, many issues can arise during this process, even when working with a veteran crew. Understanding these issues ahead of… Read more »

How to Increase ROI with Quality Assurance Testing

ROI with Quality Assurance Testing

Quality assurance testing is all about providing the best product possible. But, how do you know if the money you spent on all that QA testing was worth it? ROI, or return-on-investment, is a concrete way to see if quality assurance testing was worth it in the end. Here, we explain how you can increase… Read more »