Posts Categorized: Beta Testing

The Top 8 Myths About Quality Assurance

quality assurance

Here at Beta Breakers, we have dealt with a wide variety of clients. Many of these clients, no matter their background or industry, have many misconceptions when it comes to quality assurance. That’s why we’ve taken the time to write out the top myths people have about quality assurance so that we can set the… Read more »

Beta Testing In-House vs. Hiring an Outside Company

Your developers have been coding like crazy. The application is now in beta stage. You acknowledge that it must be tested, but decide that you can use one of your developers or project managers to do the job. Here at Beta Breakers, we wish we had a dime for every time a prospective customer told… Read more »

Functionality vs. Regression Testing

person testing app

Whether you’re testing a website or a mobile app, two quality assurance tests you will likely administer are functionality tests and regression tests. Both have similar functions, but they also have distinct purposes that set them apart. Read on to learn more. Scope One of the biggest differences between functionality and regression testing is the… Read more »

The Top 3 Best Practices for Testing Payment Gateways

woman making online payment on her phone

With online retail booming, it has become more important than ever before to improve your business’ online shopping experience. A critical part of this is the payment gateway—or the technology your website uses to accept debit or credit cards. If your payment gateway is not functioning as it should, then your customers will be unable… Read more »