If you create a specific software and it works perfectly the first time, then you’re probably dreaming. All software applications are bound to have a few kinks both now and down the road. That’s why software must be constantly tested and re-tested for errors. There are several types of software testing—automated, accessibility, usability, localization, and… Read more »
Posts Tagged: functionality testing
Website Testing and Your Bounce Rates
Whether you are a small business owner or the president of a large corporation, you have heard the term “bounce rate” when your website is being discussed. Each page of your website has its own bounce rate, defined as “the percentage of single-page web sessions,” by Google. There are a wide range of factors that… Read more »
Beta Breakers Usability Testing vs. Public Betas
Having been in business for more than three decades now, we have sometimes been asked about the difference between our usability reviews and public beta organizations. Our customers are surprised to hear that in most cases, our QA Engineers perform comprehensive usability reviews while concurrently completing both functionality and cross-platform compatibility testing. The reason is… Read more »
Functionality vs. Usability Testing
For individuals unfamiliar with the quality assurance testing process, it may be difficult to distinguish between the phrases “functionality” and “usability”. But to a tester, these phrases mean two very different things and are two important – but completely separate – pieces of the QA testing process. What is Functionality Testing? Performed to ensure that… Read more »