Posts Tagged: software quality assurance labs

What Makes Great Software?

In the technology and information age, companies across the country are battling each other to get the newest and most innovative software to the market. But what separates successful software from the rest of the pack? Generally speaking, successful software is the kind that’s reliable and easy-to-use. Furthermore, great software offers features people need and… Read more »

The Importance of Quality Assurance

True story. In mid-January, we were approached by a new prospect who was planning on launching a brand new, responsive website, compatible with both iOS and Android mobile devices. This particular individual happened to be the Project Manager and had been “convinced” by his boss to reach out to Beta Breakers for a round of… Read more »

What Should be in Your Test Plan?

A test plan is a road map that you create before you start testing. It includes all the high-level detail necessary to define the test effort that will be executed. It should receive review and sign-off by project management. It is a good idea to use a template so that nothing is forgotten. The test… Read more »

Why Great Software Testing Labs are Key

Here at Beta Breakers, we claim to have some of the most experienced and talented quality assurance testers in the world. Having said that, they simply could not perform their job effectively if they were not surrounded by laboratory environments replete with everything they require.   Whether tasked with website testing, or testing an enterprise business… Read more »