When Should You Automate Your Quality Assurance Testing?

Automated testing is one of the most efficient means of testing your software. However, it is not the only means of doing so. Manual testing is still required in many situations, helping you weed out bugs and issues that automated testing may have overlooked. Nevertheless, automated testing plays an essential role in your testing methodology, so long as it is used appropriately.

Here, we discuss the best situations for you to use:software testing graphic

When it can help you cut costs

Whereas there are open source tools available, Automated testing tools can be costly, but they can also help you save money in the long run depending on the size of your project. If your project is large and long-term, can cut costs by reducing testing time and required manpower.

When you are deploying repetitive tests

In some situations, you may have to run the same test multiple times to find potential bugs. Doing this manually can take up a lot of time that could be better spent elsewhere. However, by automating these repetitive tests, your testing team can get back to more crucial tasks without losing any momentum.

When it can save you time

Automated testing is an efficient process. As such, it can have a huge influence on your team’s productivity. They’ll still be able to run essential tests, but then they can also get to work on other issues while those tests are running.

When you need to run multiple tests frequently

Certain tests need to be run frequently, and chances are there will be more than just one test you need to run. In these situations, your testing team can only do so much. They’ll need the help of automated tests to ensure the appropriate tests are deployed at the appropriate times.

Beta Breakers offers state-of-the-art automated testing for various industries and applications. To learn more, contact us today!

Written by Beta Breakers

Beta BreakersWith Experience in Quality Assurance & Testing Desktop Software, Mobile Apps, Websites & Web Applications for Nearly 30 Years, Beta Breakers has become the Premier Software Quality Assurance Labs and Application-Testing Provider - Learn More Here

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